Where Electric Utilities, Attaching Companies, & Service Firms Connect

One Platform, Complete Business Process Automation for Joint Use & Real Estate

We can’t stop time, but we can create more of it. Alden ONE saves you time by bringing clarity and control to complex projects. By automating processes, we help you share the right data with the right project partners at the right time.
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Seattle City Light
Shelby Energy Logo

Real Numbers, Real Returns

Our customers quantify the net gains they’ve experienced. Here’s a breakdown of the ROI you can expect after using Alden ONE — pole by pole. 

Pole Penalties Avoided


Per Pole Penalties Avoided
Pole Operational Efficiencies


Per Pole Operational Efficiencies
Pole Make Ready Recovery


Per Pole Make Ready Recovery
Pole Increased Billing


Per Pole Increased Billing
Pole Back Billing


Per Pole Back Billing

Empowering Companies to Do More

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Connect, coordinate, and collaborate. Inside one platform. Join utility owners, attachers, and engineering and service firms in the new way to work. See how you can save time and empower your team to do more with less. It’s asset management, elevated.
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